Hallo scholars! So, you're planning to swap your hometown classrooms for the ancient lecture halls of Germany? Excellent choice! This land of philosophers, world-class universities, and - let's not forget - Oktoberfest, is the perfect place to earn your academic stripes. Buckle up, here's your survival guide to a happy student life in Germany.
What to prepare when moving to Germany?
Well, beyond the usual suspects (passport, visa, acceptance letter), remember to apply for a residence permit once you arrive. And do pack a sense of adventure and an open mind; you're about to experience the time of your life!
How to survive in Germany as an international student?
Apart from mastering the art of beer appreciation, learning basic German is a must. Not only will it boost your supermarket shopping game, but it's also your passport to making local friends. Join a 'Stammtisch' - a regular meet-up often involving friendly conversation and food. It's networking, German style!
How hard is it for an international student to get a job in Germany?
That's a bit tricky. While student jobs are available, most require a good level of German. Don't fret though! Many international companies, English teaching, and tutoring jobs can be your saving grace. Make sure to stick to the legal limitations on student work hours. According to CBS.de it's currently 20 hours per week during the semester for EU nationals. And either 120 full days or 240 half days on a yearly base.
Is student life fun in Germany?
Oh, you bet it is! Between jam-packed cultural events, an array of sports clubs (have you ever given frisbee golf a shot?), and the legendary parties, boredom is not an option. And who could forget the warm conviviality of the local Biergartens, where friendships bloom over shared pints. Our advice? Immerse yourself headfirst into these social opportunities. There's always something exciting going on, be it on campus or in the city. So let the fun times roll!
How to find a house in Germany as an international student?
Ah, the classic 'Wohnungssuche' (apartment hunt). For student accommodation, your university can be your best ally, but for private rentals, house hunting platform Homeboy is a gold mine. It's like a digital real estate agent that does most of the work for you. Just set up a free account with your German University email address, create a search profile, and newly published listings will land straight into your mailbox or WhatsApp (notify us when discount doesn't apply for your student mail). Get ready to be swift though; good places get snapped up faster than fresh pretzels at a beer garden!
How do I write a message to my landlord?
Worry not, cuz help is just around the corner! Scroll down and use our free application letter composer to draft a personalised letter for you in no-time. Additionally, learn how to impress German landlords in this blog.
So, there you have it! The student life in Germany may seem like a daunting new chapter, but with these tips, you'll be singing "Ich liebe Deutschland" in no time.
Bis zum nächsten Mal (Until next time)! Dive into your German adventure and create unforgettable memories!